The Mt Diablo Collectors Series
The Mt.Diablo Collectors Series is a set of 12 unique acrylic landscape paintings on canvas. Thus far, there are only 5 completed. Each one touches on the subject of Mt.Diablo, a gargantuan display of erected earth that towers over the town of Walnut Creek. Diablo is Spanish for the word "devil." Many years ago, the Miwoks lived in tribes around the mountain. The Spaniards were hunting down the Native Americans up Mt.Diablo, but the Spaniards never found them. The Native Americans are said to have mysteriously disappeared by some trickery of the devil. Mt.Diablo is believed to be a point where creative forces, in the form of an Eagle fuse within the mountain. It is also believed that a Grandfather Coyote is responsible for giving life to the Indian people at Mt.Diablo.
Being Jewish, I can relate to this story because in the Torah is says that the Judaism began at Mt.Sinai, Israel when Moses was given the Arc of the Covenent. The connection between these two events is the mountain. Mountains are points sacred places of inspiration and creativity.
As an artist, I am genuinely inspired by Mt.Diablo because it is the mountain that stand above my birth town of Walnut Creek. When I look to Mt.Diablo, I can see along its contours edge, the wingspan of an Eagle. When I look to the trees around me, I can see within the contour edges of the leaves animal spirit shapes. There is a fantasy land hidden just beyond the shadows of the substance that surrounds us. A place where the trees are alive; dreaming of a time when fantastic forest creatures chased each other in a sort of boyish game of "Tag." In some places they even battled each other for superiority over the land. Each tree would stretch it's trunk as high as the rain would allow, but at the end of the day, Mt.Diablo would rule over the trees and the forest people with it's supreme hight, and Condor- shaped horizons.
Being Jewish, I can relate to this story because in the Torah is says that the Judaism began at Mt.Sinai, Israel when Moses was given the Arc of the Covenent. The connection between these two events is the mountain. Mountains are points sacred places of inspiration and creativity.
As an artist, I am genuinely inspired by Mt.Diablo because it is the mountain that stand above my birth town of Walnut Creek. When I look to Mt.Diablo, I can see along its contours edge, the wingspan of an Eagle. When I look to the trees around me, I can see within the contour edges of the leaves animal spirit shapes. There is a fantasy land hidden just beyond the shadows of the substance that surrounds us. A place where the trees are alive; dreaming of a time when fantastic forest creatures chased each other in a sort of boyish game of "Tag." In some places they even battled each other for superiority over the land. Each tree would stretch it's trunk as high as the rain would allow, but at the end of the day, Mt.Diablo would rule over the trees and the forest people with it's supreme hight, and Condor- shaped horizons.
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