Mt.Diablo Painting # 7 of 12 Completted
The Cliffs Edge of Mt.Diablo
24" x 30"
I started out with a thick layer of gesso. Then I covered the whole canvas with a light viscosity of cobalt blue, medium gray, and a little titanium white. Then I blocked in the land formations by adding orange to the blue, and green mixed with gray and a touch of yellow. Once this completely dried, I blocked in the foreground cliff edge shape in a light brown color, and gradually added more shapes in from lightest to darkest. The little rocks and fine details were finessed in last. I always begin every painting with big, general, non-specific shapes, and work gradually into more specific shapes. Every Mt. Diablo painting was painted using a photo reference that provided by my beloved wife, Ronda.
Ronda Levine has superb eye for color and composition. I often consult with her on my work, and she always provides me with a brutally honest critique of my work. I see constructive criticism as something that can be hurtful at times, but in the long run it is a priceless gift to the artist that strives to achieve a masterpiece of perfection. Visit:
to see Ronda's website and learn more about how she can help you with her talents as a writer/research specialist and editor.
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