July 2021 update

     It's been an interesting year. When Covid19 and the lockdown hit, the libraries closed. I had paintings on display at the Oak Grove library with a traveling art gallery organized by the Concord Art Assocation. I tried contacting the library, but the person I spoke to refused to allow me to retrieve my artwork, so now my paintings are in lockdown at the library.  The lockdown also stopped my caricature drawing, due to the WHO and CDC no social gatherings restrictions and enforcement.  A lot of scary things happened and continue to happen in the world and close to home, but there are some things worth celebrating in my personal and professional life and I am grateful.  In March I had received my second Moderna Vaccination.  In May, I proposed to my fiancé after being in a steady relationship for 5 years. Last month the restrictions lifted and for the first time in a year we were allowed to live most of our lives without having to wear those suffocating masks, but federal law still requires that we wear masks on public transportation.  I have been employed full time with County Connection Link for 7 years, and I can honestly tell you within that time I have successfully navigated through many challenges and learned many skills with driving paratransit and communicating.  It has taken most of my energy and time to achieve and sustain my full time work status, and as a result I closed www.stanimation-productions.com.   I have been on hiatus from drawing, painting and origami paper crafting, but deep down I know I am and always will be an artist because it is my intrinsic nature to be creative. 



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